Privacy Policy

I have a simple "do unto others" common sense 'privacy' policy.

In short - If I give a business my contact details, I don't want them to pass this information on to anyone else. Nor do I want them to send me too many emails, newsletters or phone calls. Just some news every now and then.

And I treat other people how I like to be treated:

Why be on the mailing list?

Time and money spent on advertising and publicity has to come from somewhere so it has to be written into the purchase price of books, cards and photographs. Offline purchases increase administrative time greatly and purchases through bookshops and other retail outlets reduces the margin by more than half.

So a big thank-you to the thousands of people on the mailing list who purchase online, because without you this one-person show would be too uneconomic and inefficient to be sustainable – I simply couldn’t do it. You are helping me to keep on recording life in the Australian bush, and to keep the cost of books, cards and photographs at an affordable level.

People on the mailing list recorded as buyers receive priority for exhibition opening nights when exhibition venues require attendance numbers to be capped, special offers when available, and are entered in any prize draws that take place.


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