Advertising & Editorial Images

You've already seen the images on the website header (above) and formed an opinion.

Our brains can extract meaning from an image in less than half a second.

Without us even being aware of it.

Whereas it takes us many seconds, or minutes, to read words.

First impressions are what count the most and they are extremely hard to alter.


Make sure the images you use make the impression you want.

My speciality isn't just bowling up with professional equipment and doing a good job of photographing whatever is in front of me.

It's figuring out exactly what will do the best job of achieving your specific aims.

I have supplied many of Australia's largest agribusinesses with images for commercial use, and my outback and agricultural photographs have been published in many newspapers and national magazines.

I can supply rural marketing images from my archives, or take images specifically for your purpose (commission work).

A unique feature of my business is my ability to provide reliable advice regarding which particular images are best suited to your specific purpose - taking into account your:

  1. Target market
  2. Specific aims
  3. Budget

This personally tailored and confidential advice is based on several decades of hands-on agricultural and rural marketing experience, across Australia.

The Rural Advertising Hall of Shame is full of marketers who neglected to seek the advice of a professional with hands-on experience in the specific industry and region targeted.  I've seen more advertising fails than I could poke a stick at. These range from images featuring poorly bred cattle to serious weeds and bad land management practices.  An expensive club you do not want to become a member of.

Some commercial photography clients:

Summary of commercial photography service features:

My rural photographs have been used for these purposes:

Ring me on (07) 4728 4922 if you have a project you'd like to dicusss. Or send me an email.

Please note: when I'm away the office is closed and contacting me then is rarely instant, due to the remoteness of the regions I travel to.  Office closure dates & times can be checked on this blog page along with the best way to contact me when away.

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