Translations For 'Cow' & Other Cow-Related Words

The books 'Biggest Mobs - Longest Shadows, 'Life as an Australian Horseman' and 'A Million Acre Masterpiece' contain more than 800 photos taken on almost 60 of Australia's largest and most famous outback cattle stations. The photos are accompanied by interesting captions explaining Australian cattle station work. 'A Million Acre Masterpiece' also has a glossary explaining many unique Australian outback words and expressions used to describe various types of cattle, such as: ‘cleanskin’, ‘forest gnome’, ‘killer’, ‘piker’, ‘poddy’, ‘scrubber’, ‘stranger’ and  ‘micky’.

As is the case in many countries, many of these very specific terms are only understood by those working in the industry.

Below are words for ‘cow’ in different languages. These translations have been gathered from various references plus an amazingly comprehensive site that listed the word for ‘cow’ in more than 500 different languages and dialects, called "Just Cows/Solo Vacas". This list was compiled be Eduardo Tobar of Madrid (Spain). Thanks to Eduardo for permission to quote some of the information he gathered.  Unfortunately Eduardo's original list is no longer online.

If you would like to help others by suggesting additions or corrections (including punctuation, plurals etc), please do send them to me.  Thank you!

Words for ‘Cow’ in Other Languages

Word for Cow Language & Country
‘kÿr’ Icelandic (Iceland)
‘ko’ Danish (Denmark) and Swedish (Sweden)
‘koe’ Dutch (The Netherlands) and Flemish (Belgium)
‘ku’ Norwegian (Norway) and Yiddish (Germanic language of eastern European Jews)
‘kuh’ German (Germany)
‘kràva’ Czech (Czech republic)
‘krava’ Macedonian (Macedonia), Croatian (Croatia), Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Ukrainian (Ukraine), Slovak (Slovakia), Slovene (Slovenia), Serbian (Serbia) and Bosnia).
‘krowa’ Polish (Poland)
‘karova’ Belarusian (Belarus)
‘korova’ Russian (Russia)
‘karvé’ Lithuanian (Lithuania)
‘vache’ French (France)
‘vacca’ Italian (Italy)
‘vacâ’ Romanian (Romania)
‘vaca’ Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil) and Catalan (Spain, southern France)
‘vaca’ Spanish (Spain and many Spanish-speaking South American countries.) (The literal translation of ‘vaquero’ is ‘cow man’. ‘Buckaroo’ is common in some southern parts of the U.S., and it is thought to originate from ‘vaquero’ because the letter ‘v’ is pronounced as ‘b’ in Spanish.)
‘goys’ Latvian (Latvia)
‘lopë’ Albanian
‘behia’ Basque (South of France/northern Spain)
‘lehmä’ Finnish (Finland)
‘ayelada’ Greek (Greece)
‘koei’ Afrikaans (South Africa) ('vee' - cattle [plural])
‘nkopo’ Bobe (Equatorial Guinea)
‘ngombo’ Bobangi (Congo)
‘ngombe’ Kikuyu (Kenya)
‘ng'ombe’ Swahili (Kenya & East Africa)
‘xaafu’ Bukusu (Kenya)
‘inkomazi’ Zulu (South Africa)
‘ente’ Kiga (Uganda, Tanzania & Congo)
‘sac’ Somali (Somalia)
‘saniya’ Hausa (Nigeria)
South America:
‘waka’ Quechua (mainly in Peru & Bolivia but also southern Columbia and Ecuador, northern-western Argentina and northern Chile)
‘qachu’ Aymara (mainly in Bolivia, but also Peru, Chile and Argentina)
‘vaca’ Spanish (many Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru)
‘vaca’ Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil)
Middle East:
‘baqara’ Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
‘parah’ Hebrew (Israel)
‘gow’ Dari (Afghanistan)
‘mange’ Kurdish (Iraq, Turkey and Syria)
‘gay’ Hindi (India)
‘gaa’ Rajasthani (Rajasthan, India)
‘gaay’ Urdu (Pakistan)
'wua' Thai (Thailand)
‘nwa’ Burmese (Burma)
‘so’ Korean (Korea) ('amso' is the word for a female bovine)
‘ushi’ Japanese (Japan)
‘mu niu’ Mandarin (China)
‘ngau-na’ Cantonese (China)
‘kau’ Maori (New Zealand)
‘povi’ Samoan (Samoa)
‘bulumakau’ Fijian (Fiji)
‘pipi’ Hawaiian (Hawaii)
‘cou’ Scottish (Lowland Scotland & some northern Ireland)
‘bò’ Irish (Ireland)
‘buwch’ Welsh (Wales)

Explanations for many uniquely Australian outback, cattle-related words are found in the glossary in the  book A Million Acre Masterpiece — Images of Australia's largest cattle stations.

Other Cow-related Words Used on Cattle Stations (Ranches)

Words for unbranded and feral cattle:

Words for gathering the cattle together into a mob:

Words for a group of cattle:

Words for a group of cattle that take fright and rush off (most likely to be in the middle of the night):

Words for cattlework:

Words for a track made by cattle:

Terms for cow dung:

Standard basic Australian terms for cattle (bovines):

There are also different nicknames for breeds; for example, Santa Gertrudis cattle are called 'Santas' in Australia, and 'Gerts' in America.


I've tacked on a sheep section, as I've been asked a lot about different sheep terminology and there's interesting variations across the world.

The term for a cast sheep (which can't get up off the ground - lying on it's back or side)


Heft - UK term; refers to sheep born & bred in a particular area, that willingly stay in the same area, though unfenced. (Cattle have the same habit.)

Please note - the text on these translation pages is protected by copyright laws, like the rest of the website.

Many hours of work have been spent compiling these pages of translations, cross checking as much as possible, to ensure accuracy. But because I am not a linguistics expert all words and meanings translated here should be cross checked with other sources before being quoted, because I am not able to guarantee there are no errors.

To see more than 800 fascinating images illustrating life and landscapes on almost 60 of the world's largest cattle stations (ranches), with interesting captions, see the unique books 'Biggest Mobs - Longest Shadows', 'Life as an Australian Horseman' & 'A Million Acre Masterpiece'.

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