Videoing the public (including at events) – legal & ethical issues

January 27th, 2020

As is often the case these days, laws have not kept up with rapidly evolving technology. In the case of videoing the public and uploading to social media accounts, generally accepted etiquette hasn’t kept up either.  In most circumstances it seems obvious to ask people close enough to feature in a film if they mind […]

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How to run an agricultural event’s Twitter account

May 30th, 2019

Have you been asked to run an agricultural event’s Twitter account, and you’re not sure where to start – or how to do a really good job rather than just get by? Below are the basic essentials that must be included in an event’s Twitter account profile, plus some tips.  Some of these details may […]

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Global agricultural networking

December 2nd, 2016

Twitter plus Google Translate offers amazing opportunities for global networking.  It’s fabulous for business reasons – spreading ideas and innovation around the planet in seconds and creating a fantastic rural travel network for in-person encounters.  Online networking is especially beneficial for rural and remote residents, being less likely to network in person at events and […]

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Conversing with people in agriculture, all around the world

August 22nd, 2016

Twitter provides fantastic opportunities for people involved in agriculture to meet and converse with people in other industries and countries. It’s easy to envisage a future in which digital agricultural communication booms globally, and in-person reciprocal farm visiting flourishes. Most of us love travelling and none of us can travel constantly (nor would we want […]

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How to avoid twitter trolls and online bullies

October 2nd, 2015

Unfortunately you may encounter a troll or bully online.  Even within agriculture, although “on the same side”.  There’s a difference between trolls & bullies: What is an online “troll”? A ‘troll’ is someone angry or bitter who pokes around spoiling for a fight online; who is very deliberately provocative. Usually trolls will go on their […]

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How to maximise Twitter use at events (a conference, congress, field day etc)

September 4th, 2015

Using Twitter to help publicise and broadcast proceedings of a conference, congress, field day or other event? TWITTER OFFERS IMMENSE POTENTIAL FOR: fostering worldwide ag event/conference reciprocal travel putting rural information and conversations in front of unfamiliar audiences encouraging event attendance and participation increasing much-appreciated publicity for event sponsors and gratis presenters maximising the ideal […]

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Photos on Twitter (& other social media accounts) 4/4

February 18th, 2015

Adding a photo to a twitter post greatly increases the number of people who take the time to read your message, and reply or retweet it. A good photo plus a good caption can produce a brilliant result.   And the two together can convey so much more than one or the other on their own […]

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Why should farmers be on Twitter?

January 3rd, 2015

Why should farmers be on Twitter?  And everyone else involved in agribusiness? Vital news. Instantly.  Leaves every other method for dust. And opinions. That matter to YOU. Follow people who send messages YOU are interested in. Draft off the white noise, by not “following” anyone of no interest. Support from others in the industry. Having […]

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Tips on writing tweets well 3/4

January 3rd, 2015

Using Twitter can improve your vocabulary and communication skills like nothing else on the planet.  When you’re burning to express something in just 140 characters, and working hard to ensure the meaning is crystal clear with no room for misinterpretation, you’re forced to think carefully and rake through all the words you’ve ever heard.  You […]

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Using Twitter – the finer points (2/4)

January 3rd, 2015

Once you have got started on Twitter, as outlined on the previous blog post, there’s a few more details to learn that will be handy. “Retweeting” – this is when you forward someone’s message on, so all the people who follow you, get to see this message. When retweeting a message, as much as possible, […]

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