Personal drone training – (one-on-one help or advice)

Are you looking for reliable drone advice – that is very specific for your circumstances? For example:

  • Will a drone will be feasible for my particular purpose? Or perhaps, is other technology or a contract service a better option? (Considering ROI/net cost, the time you have available, weather or location challenges, safety/rules, likely results/suitability etc. Or perhaps you’re nervous about your level of tech skills?)
  • Which drone model is best for the job I have in mind? (Avoid wasting $ on unsuitable gear – there’s been far too much of that, especially on Australian farms & stations, targeted by a legion of plausible-sounding snake oil sellers)
  • How do I get started flying drones? (What rules & drone knowledge are especially relevant to my situation? Maximise efficiency & confidence building.)
  • Help! I have a problem with my drone that I need help to figure out! (Saving stress and avoid time/money wasting.)
  • I need some realistic drone career advice! Because I’m thinking of changing jobs/starting up a small business; or I have a son or daughter who is interested in a career. (I can give you a realistic idea of what your unique advantages/assets may be, in relation to current & future potential drone industry careers or small business opportunities. You may be pleasantly surprised at the possible value of your previous activities or specific interests.)
  • I have set up a drone business and need advice on what to charge, how to find customers, what insurance do I need etc (from tips on ensuring you get paid to setting up an effective website and using social media).
  • I want to take better aerial photographs. (From camera setting fundamentals to advanced tips for experienced drone flyers – including how to do well in the competitive world of commercial photography – we can hone in on whatever you’d most like to improve. My aerial photography career began with a film camera in the 1980s, so there’s a lot of experience to draw on.)

IE all questions that apply to your specific circumstances. Receiving timely answers can save you a huge amount of time and effort otherwise spent on research – when you will still be left wondering whether what you’ve read or heard is objective, comprehensive and reliable. Because in the drone industry – so often it is not. (Why I do what I do.)

So, to address this, now….

Personal drone advice/assistance (one-on-one):

My work has always involved travel but more so in recent years, and now it has ramped up and I’m able to expand into doing what I haven’t been able to before: providing one-on-one training/advice. Either in person (if you are nearby/I’m visiting), via email, over the phone or via video (eg zoom meeting).

Time is charged in 1 hour chunks. Plus travel if that’s applicable – eg if you’re nearby, and want to get together for a fly. (Great for anyone who’d like to build confidence, early on.)

This brief, targeted service complements rather than replaces drone workshops. It will help expand the number of people who are able to put drones to good use – and Australia as a whole really needs this.

And for drone owners who have already attended a workshop or have a lot of experience/training, this one-on-one advisory service is a very efficient way of getting past a roadblock.

Note that there is no charge if you are enquiring solely:

a) about a hardware or software issue and it’s clear from the start that it likely requires a repair centre; or

b) it’s something super-specific that isn’t within my realm of expertise and I need to refer you on to a field specialist.

Both these aspects are usually obvious from the initial enquiry.

Please enquire via the website contact form or social media if you are interested in personal drone advice. Outline what your challenge or challenges are, so I can estimate the time and service charge before we proceed.

Rural Drone Academy workshops:

Attending a full day drone workshop is priceless because a comprehensive session is ‘teaching a person how to fish’, instead of ‘giving them a fish for the day’. IE a full day session gives you A to Z information to be confidently independent. But attending training usually requires travel and not everyone can manage that, and you may need help today, not weeks later – hence the additional short & specific option, above.

During workshops I cover a huge range of unexpected but incredibly useful topics that no other drone trainers cover. For example, solar weather (image below), and why you need a basic understanding of it.

The fundamentals of solar weather is a topic covered in Rural Drone Academy workshops – a vital but rarely discussed topic that all drone users should be aware of.

We also share entertaining stories/examples, have a good laugh and get stuck into useful discussions on issues that are locally relevant. You get to meet a group of other people with similar interests, forming a handy drone-user network.

Comments from drone workshop attendees & experience:

I have presented drone information sessions in every state and territory, from the largest capital cities to Australia’s most remote regions. You may like to read some comments from people who have attended previous drone training sessions.

  • My work has won a number of awards, national and international
  • I’ve owned more than a dozen drones (three different brands)
  • Flown many hours across Australia
  • Had to solve nearly every drone problem under the sun (much hair tearing!)
  • And been invited to speak at major drone events on four continents.

So – you can have confidence that you are receiving reliable and top quality drone industry advice. Unlike YouTubers, ‘influencers’ and most drone/tech event speakers, I don’t receive commissions from anyone; or sell drones or drone services (most of my commercial photography is freelance). This forthright independence/objectivity is a rare thing in the drone world.

My advice is instead upfront ‘fee for advice’ – so you know exactly what you are paying for.

Tens of thousands of dollars have been invested in obtaining solid drone knowledge/experience, and while you may only need an hour of my time, you receive an efficient distillation of years of work. One hour of my time costs less than the price of one drone battery, so from your point of view, the return on investment is a no-brainer!

If you are in business or full time employment please do not ask for advice for nothing; it is valuable and must be paid for. (And tax deductible, if it relates to your income source.)

Productive and creative use of thermal drones is another topic that is covered in some full day Rural Drone Academy education sessions


Some upfront drone industry job/small business advice is provided free of charge*:

  1. Ex-Australian defence force employees (at least one business owner has profited from ex-defence staff in a manner that I suspect has been very unscrupulous. I detest con artists with an unabated passion so do what I can to circumvent their misinformation; albeit without naming names.)
  2. RC (remote control) operators with more than fifteen years worth of experience (who consistently seem to underestimate their priceless value as role models and mentors! Australia needs you!)
  3. School students (as it’s impossible for most primary or secondary school teachers to accurately gauge what career prospects actually exist)

(*Must provide proof of fitting into one of these three categories)

Contact Fiona Lake via the website regarding Rural Drone Academy workshops or tailored drone advice, or initially via social media.

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